How can Diligent ESG help with Scope 3 measuring and reporting?

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Companies are increasingly required to understand and report on Scope 3 emissions. Under the SEC's March 2022 climate-related rule proposal, many companies would be required to disclose their Scope 3 emissions on a mandatory basis for the first time, as early as for fiscal year 2024. Scope 3 emissions are also included as part of the standards to report on CSRD. 

Join us on February 28th to: 

  • Understand Scope 3 trends and categories
  • Define the steps to establishing Scope 3 Inventory
  • Understand how a tool like Diligent ESG can support you with Scope 3 reporting, by hearing how the Diligent team has measured and reports on Scope 3 emissions. 

Reporting on Scope 3 emissions is a challenging undertaking to be sure—but for many, it will no longer be an option. The time to prepare is now, and the clock is ticking. Join us to learn how to get started!